Swiss Life Living + Working: New Property Investment Fund in Swiss Quality
Living + Working* – a Fund of Innovative Diversity
Swiss Life REF (DE) European Real Estate Living and Working — or “Living + Working” for short — is an open-ended property fund for private investors in Germany. With its groundbreaking fund strategy, Living + Working sets new standards for how to align with the latest market trends and mega trends. The fund strategy has the following objectives: Earning a stable long-term income, and taking a responsible approach to risk management. It is a conservative fund in the true sense of the word — and this is something that counts in uncertain times. These benefits make the Living + Working fund the optimal basis for solid long-term planning in a self-determined, confident approach.
More Types of Real Estate for Added Stability
Living + Working: People tend to live and work in buildings — so it’s all in the name! The investment focus is aimed primarily at the property segments health and residential (living), on the one hand, plus office and retail (working), on the other hand. The medium-term goal of the fund management is to set up a property target portfolio consisting of residential and healthcare real estate (including retirement homes, care homes, medical centres, etc.) and of office and retail real estate. With this allocation by use classes, Living + Working sets itself apart from the majority of open-ended public real estate funds. The difference being that the different property types are evenly allocated in the Living + Working investment fund. This reduces the risk of making yourself dependent on a single property segment.

Living + Working Factsheet
All relevant data and ratio at a glance. Updated every month. Baseline date: 31/12/2024.
The information on this homepage is solely intended for persons domiciled in Germany. This fund is not distributed outside Germany. See for further details.
These Asset Classes Ensure Sound Revenues from Intangible Real Estate Assets

Investments in care homes, healthcare properties with outpatient care, such as medical centres, medical office buildings, healthcare centres, that are centrally located and have a sound infrastructure and/or are linked to a hospital and residential areas in the vicinity.

Investments in office buildings and commercial buildings with one-off modern office concepts, located in attractive cities in Germany and other countries in Europe. The focus here is specifically on innovative, forward-looking use opportunities for tomorrow’s work environments.

Investments in multi-family dwellings, single family home neighbourhoods, micro-living complexes, student halls of residence, combination residential/commercial buildings and retirement properties with basic service options for tenants plus customised extras.

In the retail segment, the focus is on regionally dominant grocery outlets and retail warehouse parks that are largely immune against the online competition. They are further strengthened by easily accessible locations and a retail line-up serving day-to-day needs.

The Swiss Life Living + Working is the first open-ended property fund with a particularly balanced blend of property types
Walter Seul,
Executive Director,
Swiss Life Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Investment focus
The investment focus is on stable and transparent markets in Germany and Europe.
Investing in Megatrends
To compensate for inflation, the fund often signs indexed lease.
Swiss Life Asset Managers puts a premium on sustainability throughout the company.
Mixed types of use
Living + Working invests in real estate of the use types residential and healthcare (“Living”) as well as office and retail (“Working”).
Swiss Life Asset Managers is one of Europe’s biggest property managers, with currently EUR 112,7 billion* in real estate assets under management.
Inflation hedging
To compensate for inflation, the fund often signs indexed lease.
*Real estate under management as of 30 June 2024
Portfolio drilldown by type of use
Baseline date: 31/12/2024, unless stated otherwise
Swiss Life Asset Managers has more than 165 years of experience in managing the assets of the Swiss Life Group. This insurance background has exerted a key influence on the investment philosophy of Swiss Life Asset Managers, which is governed by such principles as value preservation, the generation of consistent and sustainable performance and a responsible approach to risks. Swiss Life Asset Managers offers this proven approach to third-party clients in Switzerland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the UK, Italy and the Nordic countries.
As at 30 June 2024 assets under management for third-party clients amount to EUR 121.2 billion. Together with insurance assets for the Swiss Life Group, total assets under management at Swiss Life Asset Managers stood at EUR 272.3 billion. Swiss Life Asset Managers is a leading institutional real estate investor in Europe1. Of the assets totalling EUR 272.3 billion, EUR 91.1 billion is invested in real estate. In addition, Swiss Life Asset Managers, in cooperation with Livit, manages real estate totalling EUR 21.6 billion in value. Total real estate assets under management and administration at the end of June 2024 thus came to EUR 112.7 billion.
Swiss Life Asset Managers employs more than 2200 people in Europe.
A financially self-determined life
Swiss Life enables people to lead a financially self-determined life and look to the future with confidence. Swiss Life Asset Managers pursues the same goal: We think long-term and act responsibly. We use our knowledge and experience to develop future-oriented investment solutions. This is how we support our customers in achieving their long-term investment objectives, which in turn also take account of their client’s needs so they can plan their l future in a financially self-determined manner.
1 #1 IPE Top 150 Real Estate Investment Managers 2023 Ranking Europe, #2 INREV Fund Manager Survey 2024
No Investment Advice
The contents of this website are intended solely for the purpose of providing general information about the investment asset pools and services of Swiss Life Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH. The information provided herein cannot take the place of personal consultancy by professionals qualified for the purpose. The information provided on the investment asset pool managed by Swiss Life Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft does not represent investment advice or a recommendation to buy.
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The subscription of shares in investment asset pools is done exclusively on the basis of the respective investment asset pool’s latest sales documents at the time of the subscription. Sales documents in this sense include the key investor information, the sales prospectus, the General and Special Investment Rules that are attached to the sales prospectus, as well as the latest annual report plus the subsequent semi-annual report, where applicable.
These sales documents are available in electronic form on this website in the Downloads section. They may also be requested free of charge as hard copy editions by calling +49 69 2648642 123 or by sending an e-mail to or else can be picked up in person at the offices of Swiss Life Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, in Frankfurt.
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The dissemination and publication of information and documents contained on this website, as well as the offer or sale of shares in the investment asset pool may be subject to additional restrictions in jurisdictions other than Germany. The information and documents on this website are therefore intended only for persons to whom such information may be lawfully disseminated under applicable local law. Analogously, the offer to subscribe shares in the investment asset pool is aimed solely at persons who may lawfully receive such offers under applicable local law.
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Notes on the Calculation of the Performance of the Asset Investment Pools
Unless otherwise stated, any performance details quoted on this website were calculated using the BVI method (time-weighted return). The BVI method takes all costs accruing on the level of the investment asset pool into account (e. g. management fees); additional costs could be incurred on the investor level (e. g. custody-account charges) that are not taken into account in this representation. Please note that the performance of the investment asset pool calculated in this manners does not generally reflect the actual return on investment. However, this choice of method makes it possible to compare the management performance of different investment funds with similar investment foci without getting a distorted picture due to different fee structures.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.
General Notes on Risks
Past performance offers no guarantees for the future performance of a given investment. The value of shares and the income returned by them can both rise and fall. Similarly, exchanges rate changes can have a positive or negative impact on the value of a given investment. At maturity, you may therefore get back a lower amount than you originally invested.
For detailed notes on risks and/or on tax aspects for each investment asset pool, please read the sales prospectus of the respective investment asset pool. Investors or leads interested in the subscription of shares in the investment asset pool are expressly advised to carefully read these risk and tax notes and/or to seek the advice of a tax consultant before making any investment decision.
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Note on the Extrajudicial Dispute Settlement Procedure for Consumers
Swiss Life Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH has joined the Ombudsman’s Office for Investment Funds operated by the BVI Federal Association for Investment and Asset Management. To settle any dispute that may arise with the Company in connection with the German Capital Investment Act (KAGB), consumers have the option to contact the Ombudsman’s Office for Investment Funds free of charge.
The term “consumer” designates any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for a purpose that is not attributable to that person’s commercial or self-employed professional activity. The details are governed by the “Rules of Procedure of the Ombudsman’s Office for Investment Funds of the BVI.”
Swiss Life Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH will attend the dispute settlement procedure before this dispute settlement body. Requests for arbitration should be addressed in writing to the office of the Ombudsman’s Office of the BVI. These are the contact details:
Ombudsman’s Office of the BVI
Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V.
Unter den Linden 42
D-10117 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 6449046-0
Fax +49 30 6449046-29
The right to bring proceedings before a court of law remains unaffected by the appeal to the Ombudsman’s Office of the BVI.
That being said, we would very much appreciate it if you came to us first with any problem you might have before initiating a procedure with the BVI’s Ombudsman’s Office for Investment Funds. Talking directly to us is often the easiest way to get things sorted out. We are happy to help.
Contact one of our staff Monday through Friday between the hours of 09:00 and 17:30 CET by calling +49 69 2648642 123 or sending an e-mail to
Swiss Life Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Darmstädter Landstraße 125
60598 Frankfurt
Tel.: +49 69 2648642 123
Fax: +49 69 2648642 499
Represented by the Senior Management
Carmen Reschke
Christian Dinger
Registered in the commercial register of the district court of Wiesbaden under HRB 121054
VAT ID: DE291867348
Supervisory Board
Robin van Berkel
Supervisory authority:
German Supervisory Authority for Financial Services (BaFin)
Graunrheindorfer Strasse 108
D-53117 Bonn
Marie-Curie-Strasse 24-28
D-60439 Frankfurt am Main
Responsible for the contents of this internet presence:
Swiss Life Asset Managers GmbH
Clever Straße 36
D-50668 Cologne
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Clever Straße 36
D-50668 Cologne
Swiss Life
Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Darmstädter Landstraße 125
D-60598 Frankfurt
Tel. +49 69 2648642 123
Fax +49 69 2648642 499
To german version
For further and detailed information please visit our website or contact us.
* Swiss Life REF (DE) European Real Estate Living and Working, ISIN: DE000A2ATC31